"Bauhaus and National Socialism" explores the diverse paths taken by Bauhaus artists during the National Socialist era in dealing with the totalitarian regime. Focused on their involvement with the regime, the book narrates the lives and works of former Bauhaus members, using relevant objects from the time. The avant-garde of the early 20th century was not immune to the allure of National Socialism, and this volume dispels the notion of a solely "good" persecuted modernity, illustrating political struggles within the Bauhaus as well as individual dilemmas. Many of its students and teachers faced confiscation of their works, while others participated in propaganda exhibitions or aligned themselves with the authorities.
Artists featured include Herbert Bayer, Ima Breusing, Franz Ehrlich, Fritz Ertl, Lyonel Feininger, Walter Gropius, Hans Groß, Margarete Heymann, Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Else Mögelin, László Moholy-Nagy, Rudolf Ortner, Peter Pewas, Lilly Reich, Margarete Reichardt, Karl Peter Röhl, Oskar Schlemmer, Joost Schmidt, and Irmgard Sörensen-Popitz.