The Düsseldorfer THEATER DER KLÄNGE is the only ensemble in the world that has been dealing with the
historical Bauhaus stage and the continuation of these theatre and dance approaches for more than 30 years. On the occasion of the
anniversary year "Bauhaus 100", the THEATER DER KLÄNGE will present this form of engagement with "different" theatrical thinking at the
Düsseldorf Theatermuseum from 12 September to 8 December. This exhibition previously ran from 1 June to 4 August 2019 with great public
success at the ACC Galerie Weimar.
In the audio-medial exhibition, the THEATER DER KLÄNGE
at the Theatermuseum Düsseldorf presents eight "Bauhaus productions". The stage works deal directly or further with the historical
Bauhaus and its stage works from the 1920s. The original ideas (sketches, photos, texts), the reconstructions of these drafts (models,
figurines, etc.) as well as the staged implementation (videos, photos and sketches) of each of these projects realized by THEATER DER
KLÄNGE will be exhibited.
With the help of audio-visual media, an extensive audio guide and
an auditory anecdote hornique, the sound of the respective pieces of the THEATER OF KLÄNGE can be experienced by the listener.